The Last of Us will be released on 14 June 2013 and we still don’t know details about its multiplayer mode. Naughty Dog has not said anything about it.

Last Friday, the demo version of The Last of Us was released and it has already been cracked, showing a huge amount of information about the mutiplayer game modes.

1370270661 firefly pins marauder tlou mp 600x337 Leaked 'The Last of Us' Multiplayer information. | VGLeaks 2.0

Tonitorsi, a member on GameSpot forums, posted a summary of the information.


  • “A small group of Infected have been spotted heading in our direction.  Improve the training of the clan to fight off the Infected and attract new members.”
  • “You gained [A] clan members by fighting off the Infected attack.”
  • “You were able to partially improve the training of your clan.  You gained some clan members by fighting off the attack.
  • “You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan before the Infected attacked.  As a result, you gained the maximum new clan members. Marauders have been raiding camps in the area.  Improve the training of the group to fight off the Marauders and attract new members.”


Overall Summary of the Multiplayer Leak:

  • New feature called “Clans”
  • The clan-based system and recruiting is essential to survive hordes of infected (possibly AI or player based clans)
  • Possibly free-roam / Big open maps
  • You can Craft weapons / Items in Multiplayer from all the supplies you gather
  • The Multiplayer has certain random events (sort of like RDR) that happen in your playthrough. Some of which can threaten or help your clan
  • The Multiplayer has mini-missions structured for you like surviving a certain amount of time, etc
  • You can train Clan members (in what way, its still not clear)
  • Depending on how well you train your clan members, you can do rescue missions to free hostages taken during the outbreak
  • You’ll need to gather supplies to survive (your clan can gather supplies too to be well equipped)
  • You can aquire medicines / antibiotics from looting dead bodies throughout your playthrough
  • You have 3 matches to complete a Mission (how this works its still unclear)
  • Uncharted 3-like, Loadouts makes a comback
  • Character Customization possibly back too list of usable items for crafting/weapons for MP (This is a bit Spoiler-ish, so be carefull)
  • Crouching makes you more accurate by reducing weapon sway
  • Mission performance determines how many people you  gain or lose
  • Mission performance also determines how many One-Use Boosters you earn
  • You can spawn next to your teammates
  • Boosters are back from UC3, but completeely redesigned and works in a colossaly different way (non-spammable and some are one-time use)
  • There might be certain parts of the maps that are contaminated with viruses, you’ll need to search/loot for masks or risk getting infected
  • Your teammates / Clan members can get infected

If you want to read the full list, here you have the link to do it but, warning, it’s a really long list.

Thanks, Allgamesbeta.